Thursday, May 03, 2007

Where Did April Go?

Amazingly enough, I just looked at the calendar and realized that it's May. I mean, wasn't it just March? So, I need to do some research, but is it possible that they removed April from the calendar? Either way, I think I missed it!

Here's a recap of what's happening, in case you've been away as long as I have:

  • We are still spreading the word on Untitled, and we are trying to get as many people as possible to view the trailer. If you haven't yet seen it, please visit the official website and let us know what you think. If you have seen it, tell a friend!

  • We've reviewed and catalogued the footage from Because Of You, and it looks amazing! We are excited to begin the official editing process of the film, and we hope to have a rough cut by August. We will release a trailer by mid-June, so stay tuned!

  • I am assisting a good friend of mine, Alan Ronay, with producing his new short comedy film, The Gossip Shop. We cast the film a couple of week ago, and we have an amazing cast! I am really looking forward to the shoot!

  • I am still working on the final edits of The Misguided. I am on hold right now, since a couple of my editing support team members are working on another production right now, but I hope to complete the film as soon as they are available.

  • Our production group is working on our next feature film, which we hope to film later this year. With each film, we want to improve on our last one, so we have high expectations. I can't say too much more at this time, but stay tuned for further info.

  • Books, books and more books! I've been reading as much as possible to further my education in acting and in filmmaking. I'm not taking an acting class right now, so I want to continue my education any way possible. I've read some amazing books, and I will post of them soon.

  • I am working on a few other big things, but unfortunately, I can't talk too much about them right now. However, I will post on them as soon as everything is in place. How's that for a teaser? :)

That's about it for now, but as always... stay tuned! More to come soon!