Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First On Scene

I was a witness and first on scene to a car accident today, and it's absolutely amazing how your instincts take over.

From the moment it happened, nothing else that was going on in my life mattered. It didn't matter where I was going, or that I was going to be late. Things that I was worrying about just moments before suddenly vanished. And, the fact that all of this was happening in the middle of a terrible thunderstorm did not change anything. All that mattered was the safety of the people involved in the accident.

So I allowed my instincts to guide me and helped out as much as I could. Interesting enough, when the first paramedic team arrived, they asked me to continue to assist them, since there were 5 people injured and only three of them. I assisted as much as possible until the rest of the paramedic team arrived, and then gave emotional support to the family members which were now arriving as well.

All in all, it was both a crazy and incredible experience. It strengthened my belief that we should always help each other when the moment arises. And we should find a way to put everything else aside more often to help others, and not just when tragedy strikes.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families involved today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marco, I am only now reading your post about the accident. I am very proud of you and happy to know that you did not hesitate to stop when there was a need!!!
Only tonight around the kitchen table we were talking about the despair that so many feel, "knowing" that others will not step up to the plate when in need of help.
Good for you!
Big hugs XOXO

6/25/2008 6:41 PM  

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