One Night for "10 Minutes"
I just got home from shooting my scenes for the short film 10 Minutes. We started at midnight and wrapped at about 3:30am – not bad for what we accomplished. I truly enjoyed working with Director Adam Rettek. He had a well defined vision and kept things moving along. In addition, the crew was very professional and responsive, which provided for a great on-set experience.Adam really did a great job with the casting, selecting Rowan Bousaid as the main criminal and Melanie Ginnett as my kidnapped wife. I felt that the three of us had great chemistry and I hope it shows in the film. Rowan produced a very high level of intensity that made it easy for me to work off of, and Melanie brought the emotion - which was contagious in our scenes together. It’s always a pleasure to work with good actors. Kudos to both of them!
"KOC" and "Amateur"
Killers Over Coffee was submitted to the Austin Film Festival and now Chris Seligmiller is waiting to hear back from them on whether the film will be accepted. Below is a scene from KOC, with myself and actor Gene Costa.
Also, I just got back from the table read for Amateur. I love this script - it's just fun! It's a mockumentary about an over-obsessive youth basketball coach that will stop at nothing to win. I play Cliff, a meticulous, obsessive-compulsive father who is fed up with the coach. They are giving us a lot of room to improvise, so it will be interesting. The shooting will start on September 18th. Stay tuned...
Table Reads and More...
The table read for 10 Minutes was conducted last night, and I am excited about the film! It is a dark script about a kidnapping gone wrong, and reminds me of a style similar to Tarantino or Rodriguez (think Reservoir Dogs meets Desperado). I play Carl, who is the rich husband of the kidnapped girl. I don't have many lines, but will have to show a range of emotion through expression, and I am looking forward to the challenge. We will be filming early next week in the wee hours of the morning. I can't wait!
The table read for Amateur will be this Sunday afternoon. Amateur is a mockumentary (think Best in Show or A Mighty Wind) about an overzealous youth basketball coach. I play the character of Cliff, who is a father to one of the players. It's a fun film and I am looking forward to the shoot. As an actor, I love to play different roles and try new things. This is definitely on that track!
Production is moving along with The Misguided. I have a whole new respect for the Producer of a film. They are responsible for putting the entire project together, including securing locations, hiring crew, procuring equipment, creating the budget, and holding the auditions for the cast. And that's just the beginning! I'm loving the process though, and I really want this film to be produced at a high level - with my personal goal being for the The Misguided to be competitive in film festivals. I know Chris Seligmiller has a similar vision and I just want to give him every tool possible in order for him to create his artwork.
On another note, Chris has finished the editing of Killers Over Coffee, and he will be presenting it at the Downtown Media Arts Center (DMAC) in Orlando on September 11th, as well as submitting it to the Austin Film Festival's Young Filmmaker Competition. More news to come... stay posted! - Part Deux
Well, after creating this blog site, I just had to do something about my main site, - it just wasn't cutting it anymore. I tend to be very organized and particular about things, and it was very painful to me that my blog site was looking so much better than my main one. So, I did a complete overhaul of my site so it it blends nicely with this one. My goal is to have them compliment each other, with seemless interaction between the two. Check it out at, and let me know what you think.
"10 Minutes" Up Next
I have been cast in the short film 10 Minutes, which will shoot next week. The film, by writer & director Adam Rettek, is about a kidnapping gone wrong. I will play Carl, the husband of the girl who is kidnapped. I love the script (it's nice and dark) and I am looking forward to working with Adam on this project.
Producing "The Misguided"
It's official - I have agreed with Chris Seligmiller to be the Producer on his next short film, The Misguided. The story, which was written by Molly Summer, addresses the subject matter of misguided faith. Chris has a definite vision for this film, and wants to put the majority of his time and energy into the directing aspect, which is why he decided to bring on a Producer. I am extremely excided to be a part of this production!
"Killers Over Coffee" Shoot Completed
The shooting is complete for the short film Killers Over Coffee, in which I played the role of Detective Jim Wansley. And allow me to just say WOW. I am very impressed with young filmmaker Chris Seligmiller, who wrote and directed the film. Chris and I will also be working together on his next film, The Misguided. Click on the links for more information on both.
"Sodom And Gomorrah" Website Launched
I am privileged to have the honor of being part of the feature film, Sodom And Gomorrah, in which I play the role of Pastor Raymond. Written and Directed by William Roebuck, S&G is sure to create a buzz throughout the industry, addressing the controversial subject matter of homosexuality and the church. Please visit the film’s website at, and don’t forget to browse the message board while you are there!
Welcome to my life...
Hello, my name is Marco DiGeorge, and I am an Actor. I know, I know... it sounds like a twelve-step program. Well, in many ways, it is. There has to be something drastically wrong with you to go down this path. A sane person couldn't do it. Dealing with all the ups... the downs... the rejection... the studying... the rejection... the uncertainty... the rejection!All I can say is... I am so thankful that I am not normal!And so, without further ado, welcome to my blog... welcome to my life. Here I will post my ups and my downs as I travel forward as an actor, striving for perfection (which of course, I will never reach since there is no such thing - but that is for another blog). Welcome aboard!